Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 2009 News

Pre-K Extended Day

Pre-K has had a very busy month filled with "letter of the week" activities and health and hygiene.  Each child is learning new vocabulary and beginning to recognize words through the many project on a daily basis.  We have also learned a great deal out how our body works and what keeps it healthy.  The children agreed that making homemade soap was the most excited part of this unit. 

November was also a month about the thanks we have for others and the importance of giving.  We heard a ton of thanks for families, friends and special toys!  We hope your family enjoyed the delicious cornbread each child made.

December happenings will include learning about animals that hibernate and the arctic.  We will also review snowy owls, polar bears and penguins.  We will also be making lots of homemade treats and sweets for each child to share with you over the New Year break.

Our December letters will be J,K and L.  We encourage you to play games like "I Spy" and point out new vocabulary that begins with these letters.  It is wonderful to hear the kids note what they have been learning with family and friends.

Please note:

We will continue to go outside and need each child to wear appropriate clothing.  Please label all hats, gloves, mittens, jackets, snow-pants and boots.

Please bring in an extra pair of slippers or shoes that your child can wear after we go outdoors.  It will be best if they can leave them at HEDP.

Please send in a new pillowcase for your child's rest mat.

We need each child to be signed out at 2:15 (PICKUP) with the time and initials of the pickup person.  Please let your sitters or family members know our new procedure.

Pre-K Extended Day will be closed on Wednesday 12/23. 

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