Saturday, January 9, 2010

January news from the 2-6 team!

Happy New Year!  The 2-6 teaching team greatly appreciates your thoughtfulness and generosity!  Thank you so much for the holiday gifts, treats, donations and warm wishes! 

What has 2-6 been up to?

We hope that you enjoyed all the holiday projects and treats that the children made during the month of December.  We know they had a fantastic time making them!  We began the month with some sewing projects.  The children sewed and decorated treat bags and gingerbread stuffed animal friends. The children made treat bags by picking a mitten or mug template, tracing it, cutting it, sewing it and decorating the bag to put homemade peppermint bark treats in. They made gingerbread friends by taking a felt gingerbread template, decorating it with buttons, fabric and paint, and then stuffing and sewing it together.  

In addition to sewing projects, we also did many other arts and crafts projects. With a circular wire hanger, they used strips of fabric to tie around the hanger to make a wonderful and welcoming door decoration. The kids also got a little messy! They took pine cones and decorated it with white paint and lots of glitter to make a beautiful snow capped pine cone scene.

The kids also had tons of fun making and decorating food! We made many treats to make as gifts (although many made the gifts for themselves since they couldn't resist!). We made chocolate covered pretzels, hot chocolate bags, peppermint bark, gingerbread houses and cookie in a jar. To ring in the new year, we made "firecracker poppers," where the kids took cardboard rolls, filled them with candy, and wrapped them up to "pop" when the clock struck midnight! 

Lastly, the children went above and beyond by sending their holiday cheer to troops overseas!  As a group, we discussed the importance of giving during the holiday season. We decided to send letters and cards to the troops since they weren't able to spend their holidays with their families.  They spent a lot of time and effort to make WONDERFUL cards for these troops.  The 30 minute activity became a whole day event!  They wrote inspirational messages, created games within the card for the troops to play and drew heartwarming pictures.  We know what they did put a smile on many people's faces.

What to look forward to:
This month will an exciting one! We will be starting off our month with an "all about art" theme. We will focus on working with different art mediums. After Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we will learning about different cultures. We believe it is important for the children to know about their own and others' backgrounds. We will be exploring different cultural foods, flags, games and more. Be prepared! We will be sending your child home with an assignment for you to do with them about your child's background. We will close out this theme with a cultural celebration dinner on Monday, Feb 8 from 5-6pm, where we will ask each family to bring in a dish and its recipe from their cultural background. All families are invited to attend.

Reminders and Information:
We will continue to have outside time daily.  Please be sure your child has a warm jacket, gloves and a hat each day.  In order to play in the snow, he/she must also have snow pants and boots. Your child may keep a pair of slippers in his/her backpack to change into after coming inside from the cold.

Sledding has been a big hit!  Please note, your child is welcome to leave his/her sled in the upstairs extended day room overnight.  We would appreciate smaller sleds if possible.

Spots for ice skating are still available.  Please see a 2-6 teacher if you still want to sign up your child.

We will be hosting a late afternoon movie from 4:00-5:30pm on Wednesday January 20th due to a scheduling conflict in  the Heath School Cafeteria.  Our signout and belongings will be in the library with us.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  Please see Noelle should you have any questions or concerns.

Mark you calendars:
Monday, January 18th- No School

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