Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May News

May/June 2010
Heath Extended Day 2-6 Newsletter

During the month of April:

In celebration of Earth Day, the children spent a great amount of time making craft projects out of recycled materials such as boxes, newspaper, upholstery, cardboard tubes, popsicle sticks and records.  Using boxes and other recycled items from the local recycling center, the children used their imaginations to make recycled robots and bug houses (there has been a huge interest in bug collecting on the playground).  Using newspaper, the kids weaved newspaper baskets and created kites for outdoor flying. Newspaper flowers were also created, which were used as decorations to journals that the children made out of upholstery. We were excited to observe the kids using the journals to write in throughout the day!  Using cardboard tubes and dry rice, the children made and decorated rain sticks.  Cars were also made by the children using popsicle sticks and other items from the local recycle center.  Finally, the children creatively painted old records to make real working clocks that will be a great addition to your homes!

The Fundred Dollar Bill Project has been well on its way and the children have dedicated so much time to this wonderful fundraiser. This fundraiser is to help raise $300 million dollars to provide the resources to de-lead the soil in New Orleans and help protect and prevent future problems. The soil in New Orleans is contaminated and with children playing in it and breathing the dust, it is causing health problems. This fundraiser is to help make a safer environment for everyone.  The children have been and will continue to create their own hundred dollar bills which will be picked up by an armored truck and brought to Washington DC to congress at the end of the fundraising period.  When a total of $300 million Fundred dollars have been collected from all country’s participants, congress will give $300 million in real cash to go towards making a safer environment in New Orleans.  This is a great opportunity for the children to learn about what is going on around them and to get involved in a cause that affects peers their own age.  If you would like to learn more or get involved on your on about this fundraiser please visit FUNDRED.ORG.  The children in 2-6 set their fundraising goal at $45,000 in Fundred dollars.  We are almost there and so proud of the hard work and dedication that have put into each one hundred dollar bill that they have designed! 

What to look forward to in May/June:

The first week of May was dedicated to making heartfelt Mother’s Day projects and cards.  The children made flowers out of felt, paper, newspaper and fabric. They also made flowers out paper and “glued” (with water and flour) seeds on them, making a wonderful paper flower that could be planted to make a real one! The children also made vases out of recycled yogurt containers to put their assorted flowers in. Lastly, the kids made beautiful cards for their mothers and made sure to decorate the front with fabric, tissue paper and even cupcake holders!

The second week of May will be dedicated to a Health and Wellness week.  We will focus on relaxation and proper exercise. We will end the week with a healthy nutrient-rich fruit smoothie bar.  The kids will pick from a variety of fruits and yogurt to make their very own smoothie.  With a focus on relaxation, the children will make stress balls using balloons and flour, soap jellies out of hand soap and gelatin, aroma therapy sachets using different scented oils and neck warmers using socks and dry rice.  With a focus on exercise, the children will learn about stretching properly and learn about the effect and importance exercise has on their heart rate.  The children will participate in different exercise activities and record their individual heart rates.

Starting in the third week in May, and continuing through the month June, the children will be busy planning the HEDP annual end of the year party!  We are happy to announce that this year’s theme will be Treasure Island!  The children will make decorations and games based on this famous book.  We will read the Treasure Island and conclude with a viewing of the Muppets version of the movie.  The end of the year party will be on Monday, June 14th.  More information about the HEDP annual party will follow. 

Building Peer Relations
This month, we spent time learning and playing group theater games. We played “Shark/Eagle,” “Bippity Boppity Boo,” “Do You Like Your Neighbor?” and “Zoom!” All of these odd-titled games require the students to stand in a circle, and jump, duck, and dance, and make absurd noises and tableaus with their friends. These games fun, and what’s more, they help us to be comfortable being silly and outgoing with one another; they encourage friendly laughter! Plus, they are highly playable for all age groups, so that our second graders all the way to our fifth and sixth graders have an opportunity to play together!

We will continue games such as these, sometimes talking about them as a group and sometimes just using them to build a sense of community and team.

Mark your Calendars:
No School- Monday, May 31st
Last Day of School (Early Release)- Tuesday, June 22nd

HEDP end of the Year potluck dinner- Monday, June 14th

Thank you for making this an incredibly successful school year for all of us.
It has been a joy working with you and your child.
Have a great summer! We look forward to seeing you next year!

The 2-6 teaching team.

K-1 Newsletter 2010

What has been happening in K-1?
We had a blast in the past! The prehistoric past! K-1 turned our classroom into the Triassic period of Dinosaurs!  Through art, science, and reading activities we learned how the dinosaurs may have lived and what type of dinos were around.  K-1 studied fossils, looked at meat-eater and plant-eater characteristics, molded flying dinos, and played Dino Jeopardy! 

What will be happening in K-1?
We will be exploring Under the Sea! Our classroom will once again transform into a new world:  The Ocean!  K-1 will study and explore animals under the sea and the unique fish that help keep the ocean ecosystem going! We will look at animals as small as plankton that are important to the large whales, sharks and squid!  We will be playing water games as the weather gets warmer.  We will also be reading Magic Tree House Dolphins at Daybreak by Mary Pope Osborne. 

Books we are Reading:
The Magic School Bus
Swimmy by Leo Lionni
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
By the Seashore by AJ Wood
A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle
What Lives in a Shell by Kathleen Weidner

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